Posts Tagged ‘W-2’

Are You Missing Required W-2 Forms??

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

Unless you plan to request an automatic extension of the time required to file your 2010 Federal tax return (Form 4868 for Individuals, Form 7004 for Businesses), it will soon be time to file.  Additionally, the “4868” or “7004” do provide for an extension of the time to pay your taxes.   All of taxes which have not been paid still must be paid in full on or before March 15th or April 18th (this year), as applicable.

Certain forms will be required to be included with your Federal Form 1040.   If you are filing Form 1040 (PDF), attach all related schedules and forms behind your return in ascending order using  the sequence number which is located in the upper right hand corner of each  schedule or form.  Be sure to attach a copy of Forms W-2 and 2439 (Notice to Shareholders of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains) to the front of Form 1040.  If you received a Form W-2c (a corrected Form W-2), attach a copy of your original forms W-2 and any Forms W-2c.   Also attach Forms W-2G (Certain Gambling Winnings) and 1099R  (Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.) but only if any Federal taxes were withheld.

There are procedures which you should follow if you have not already received your W-2 form or have misplaced any (Recommendation – don’t wait until the last minute to make this determination – this process may require two-four weeks):  (more…)

Employee or Independent Contractor?

Friday, August 21st, 2009

Employee vs. Independent Contractor – Ten Tips for Business Owners 

If you are a small business owner, whether you hire people as independent contractors or as employees will impact how much taxes you pay and the amount of taxes you withhold from their paychecks. Additionally, it will affect how much additional cost your business must bear, what documents and information they must provide to you, and what tax documents you must give to them.

Here are the top ten things every business owner should know about hiring people as independent contractors versus hiring them as employees.
