Posts Tagged ‘errors & mistakes’

Take Your Time When Preparing Your Tax Returns-Errors & Mistakes Are Costly!

Sunday, January 23rd, 2022

The exclusive purpose for the information which is provided from this website is to disseminate information, and not to provide tax advice. 

Preparing and filing tax returns is certainly not one of the most enjoyable activities that we are required to do.  With all of the other tasks that also have to be done, there  is a human tendency to hurry through the task, fail to read the fine print or specific instructions, or just make simple mathematical errors.  It is important to remember that, for the most part, the Internal Revenue Service (Federal and State) already know what your reported income must be BEFORE you file that tax return.  If your records and documents don’t agree with their records and documents, you’ll probably be provided with an opportunity to explain yourself.  IF this situation occurs, you can be assured that it will be a time-consuming, labor intensive activity for you.  As you have always been encouraged to do since elementary school days, take your time and do it correctly the first time!  
