The exclusive purpose for the information which is provided from this website is to disseminate information, and not to provide tax advice.
The Internal Revenue Service will contact you using the U S Postal System if the agency requires any additional information, explanations, or has made changes to your tax account. The circumstances include, but are not limited to:
The IRS mails letters or notices to taxpayers for a variety of reasons including:
• They have a balance due.
• They are due a larger or smaller refund.
• The agency has a question about their tax return.
• They need to verify identity.
• The agency needs additional information.
• The agency changed their tax return.
Regardless of your relationship with the IRS or your personal opinions, DO NOT ignore or discard this letter! Open the letter, read through it carefully and attempt to understand the information that has been communicated to you. Determine what actions that you have to take. If you have questions or do not understand the information in the letter, there is IRS contact information in the upper right-hand corner of page #1. You may also need to contact someone in the local IRS office, your tax preparer, a Certified Public Accountant, or an attorney.