There is an excellent possibility that no matter how honest that you think that you are, how many times you attend church each week, or what an outstanding citizen that you consider yourself to be, one day you’ll go to the mail box and receive a letter from the Department of the Treasury, specifically the Internal Revenue Service. Even Clint Eastwood can’t really describe just how bad your day will become afterwards. There is an important note here – the IRS will always contact you in writing via the U.S. Mail. They do not use unsolicited phone calls, e-mails, “twittersâ€, Facebook invitations etc.Â
 What should you do after you receive your letter? There are some very important steps to follow. Recommendation #1 below is among the most important. What is not mentioned is to contact your CPA, tax preparer, and attorney before you send any response to the IRS. It would also be best to provide each of them with a copy of the letter for their review and to provide you with both a recommended response to the letter and alternative courses of action for you to follow.
 Here’s the IRS’ recommendations: (more…)