The exclusive purpose for the information which is provided from this website is to disseminate information, and not to provide tax advice.
If you just received a letter from the IRS, and you’re not sure what action you should take. Among the possibilities are:
- Ignore it (Never a good idea. One of the worst decisions to make)
- Shred it (Never a good idea. See #1 above)
- Open it (Best decision to make)
In todays world anything is possible, especially with “Artificial Intelligence” (AI). Specifically, the IRS does not communicate with taxpayers via telephone (at this stage), e-mail, text message, Facebook, or any other electronic methods. The next step is to determine if it’s authentic (not a scam, phishing, imposter, fraud, etc.) Verification can be easily accomplished using the information provided in the upper right-hand corner of page one of the letter.
The fact that you did receive a letter does not necessarily mean that your tax return is being audited. It could indicate that the IRS needs additional information to support and approve data that you included in your income tax return: